


































DIY Amazing Cork Animals


Little cork animals
Look­ing for some­thing to do with all those corks sit­ting around from a summer’s worth of din­ner vino? All it takes is five minutes—and some craft paper, thread, and toothpicks—for you and your lit­tle ones to trans­form these ordi­nary bot­tle stop­pers into pocket-sized pals in the fun forms of a dragon and horse with rider.


They not only make a easy craft for kids, but can also func­tion as a party favor for adults: Just prepack­age the tooth­picks and pre­cut card­board tri­an­gles and thread in a small enve­lope, use it as a place card at your next din­ner party, and watch the big kids have a ball.

Here’s how the corky pals came together…

What You Need

  • Con­struc­tion paper
  • Tooth­picks
  • Corks
  • Thread


How To Make a Dragon

Step 1
Use two corks: Leave one of them as is, for the body, and cut a small piece off the sec­ond one to make the head. Use a piece of a tooth­pick to join these two pieces so that the head sits tight on top of the body as shown.

Step 2
Break two tooth­picks in lit­tle pieces to make the arms and legs. Stick them into the lower cork.

Step 3
Cut lit­tle tri­an­gles out of card­board. Slice each cork on the longer side and insert the card­board tri­an­gles, no need for glue.


How to Make a Horse

Step 1
Cut one cork in half for the head, cut another cork in half (length­wise) for the body.

Step 2
Make two lit­tle holes with a tooth­pick: one on top of the head for the mane and one at the end of the body for the tail. Take some thread and push it care­fully into each hole, no need for glue.

Step 3
Break two tooth­picks in four equal pieces and use them for the legs.




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