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Simply lovely!

Remem­ber the ship in a bot­tle that mes­mer­ized you as a child? Here’s a fun twist that your lit­tle one will love. All you need are a few corks, some thread, tooth­picks, and con­struc­tion paper.


This easy craft for kids is not only fun, but will also look lovely sit­ting on your win­dowsill or as cen­ter­piece at your child’s next birth­day. You could even make a fleet of tiny cork sail­boats for a bath time regatta.

Let’s get started!

What You Need

  • Con­struc­tion paper
  • Tooth­picks
  • Corks
  • Thread


  1. Align three corks for the base of the boat.
  2. Cut a piece of thread and wind it around the corks hor­i­zon­tally. Tie a knot.
  3. Cut another piece of thread and wind it around the corks ver­ti­cally. Tie a knot.
  4. Cut another piece of cork for the swimmer.
  5. Break a tooth­pick in half and stick it into the cork.
  6. Cut a small tri­an­gle out of con­struc­tion paper, punch two holes, and slide it over the toothpick.
  7. The swim­mer is finished!
  8. Cut a larger tri­an­gle to use for the sail. Punch two holes in the middle.
  9. Slide a tooth­pick through the holes. Stick the tooth­pick in the cen­ter cork of the boat.
  10. Attach the lit­tle swim­mer to the sail­boat with some thread and pieces of toothpick.



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