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This post is for kid on christmas holidays, enjoy!

I didn't want to limit my kids' creativity by telling them what they should make and simply set out all the supplies (e.g., corks, push pins, pipe cleaners), encouraged them to build whatever they wanted, and provided some inspiration via these corkers from Paper Source. The kids loved them, and the corkers helped get the creative process started. - See more at:


Before I knew it, we had wine cork animals with houses, furniture, and elaborate playgrounds! How cute is this little bird and monkey?

For some projects, you will need a hot glue gun + glue. (My kids are old and trained enough to use a glue gun independently, but note that hot glue guns shouldn't be handled by younger children -- burns can be fierce!) For example, you can use a hot glue gun to make trivets for the kitchen. Here's the how-to:

1. Start with one cork in the middle, and add a one row of corks around the outside in the shape of a flower. Hot glue each cork on individually to the corks next to it.

2. Keep adding rows of corks around the outside.

3. And voila! A new trivet with a very rustic/modern look for any kitchen!

The beauty of crafting with corks is that it's open ended. We left the supplies out over the course of four afternoons. My kids kept coming back to make more and more wine cork creations. By the end of the week, we had a whole village! 



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